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The Village of Vernon
Meeting Minutes - 2012 > November Meeting Minutes

1 Feb 2013


November 19, 2012


A Public Hearing to discuss a Public Nuisance Abatement Law was held on this date at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor, Gerald Seymour , Trustees Travis Yoxall, Frank Emmerich, Todd Marris and Charlene Gregory.


Public Comment: No Public


The regular Village meeting followed:


Public Comment: no public


Motion was made by Travis Yoxall to accept September minutes. 4 ayes 0 nays


Motion was made by Charlene Gregory to approve Bailiff contract with the Town of Vernon for 2013.

4 ayes 0 nays


Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to approve contract with the City of Sherrill for Wastewater Treatment for a fee of .08 cent with a increase of .02 per gallon. 4 ayes 0 nays


Motion was made by Todd Marris to approve moving $2121.00 from 5110.41(new construction) and from A8140.4 (storm sewers) to A5410.4 4 (sidewalks). 4 ayes 0 nays


Motion was made by Travis Yoxall to approve changing January 21st meeting to January 14th and February 18th meeting to February 11th. 4 ayes 0 nays


Public Nuisance Abatement law was tabled until next board meeting.


Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to approve, DPW, Water/Sewer and Police Reports.

4 ayes 0 nays


Motion was made by Todd Marris to pay the bills. 4 ayes 0 nays


Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to adjourn. 4 ayes 0 nays 

© 2018 Village of Vernon
8 Ruth Street
PO Box 1137
Vernon, NY 13476