8 Jul 2019
April 15, 2019
Public Hearing was held on this date with the following members present:
Mayor Joseph D’Agostino, Trustee Bryan Acee, William Davies, and Todd Marris.
Tentative Budget Changes due to increase in Revenue sharing from Oneida County and AIM funds being restored – General fund increase in Revenue A3001 $9,705.00 and A3001A $60,000.00 and Appropriations A7140.1 $2838.90, A8810.1 $2838.90, A9962.21 $6000.00, A9962.22 $6,000.00, A9962.24 $6,000.00 and A9962.25 $1,000.00
Public Comment – no public comment
Regular Board meeting followed with the same board members present.\
Keith Scheibel updated the Board what was happening at Oneida County Board of legislators.
Motion was made by Bryan Acee to approve March meeting minutes. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Todd Marris to approve 2019-2020 Budget for General Fund. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by William Davies to approve 2019-2020 Budget for Water Fund. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Bryan Acee to approve 2019-2020 Budget for Sewer Fund. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Bryan Acee to approve Led Street Lighting program with National Grid.
4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by William Davies to send Bobbie Mumford to Water Class. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by William Davies to have Village wide garage sale on May 31-June 2, 2019 with no permits required. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Todd Marris to have a cleanup day with dumpster June 8, 2019. 4 ayes 0 nays
Mayor Joseph D’Agostino made new appointments due to elections see attached
Public Comment – no public comment
Motion was made by William Davies approve Clerks, DPW/Water/Sewer, and Police Reports.
4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Todd Marris to pay the bills. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by William Davies to adjourn. 4 ayes 0 nays